They are all popular. I think the .Net platform is growing while Java is 
diminishing but I may be misinformed and that may be temporary. I personally 
prefer the .Net platform and C#. You seem to know PHP so that may be the 
fastest way for you to leverage your knowledge.


No matter what server side platform / language you choose, I advise you to look 
into AMF as a communication protocol. There are several gateways for each of 
the languages (Like FluorineFX for .Net, Zend AMF for PHP etc). In this area, 
Java is possibly the most interesting language since it offers you a way into 
Red5 and BlazeDS.


Kind regards,




From: [] On Behalf 
Of bsyyu
Sent: den 19 februari 2009 04:10
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Flex server language


Thanks for your comments.
I am not a student for learning. Currently I have finished my first
project with Flex for a shopping cart project. 
It is done with PHP backend.

After that project, I have intention to develop a DIY shopping cart
system such as X-cart with Flex and would like to know which server
language best fit with Flex, regarding the speed and support etc. and
also sometimes customer may have their own server system that I have
to fit into, then which backend is most popular etc.


--- In <> , Dnk 
<d.k.emailli...@... <mailto:d.k.emailli...@...> > wrote:
> They will all get the job done.
> It is matter of requirements and preferences for the job.
> Dustin Krysak
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 18-Feb-09, at 4:31 PM, "bsyyu" <ben.s...@... <mailto:ben.s...@...> > wrote:
> > currently, I am using PHP as server language. In fact I would like to
> > learn other server language in combination using Flex. Any suggestion
> > such as .NET, coldfusion or JSP.
> >
> >




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