It's easy to get things done / setup if you already know what you're doing. But, lets compare apples to apples here.

It seems logical to me that someone wanting to install CF would start at , and from there could easily find and download the installers. I chose, Products ColdFusion, and download Free Trial. Login and I can either download the developer edition or the trial edition; with various options for language and/or OS. The CF install process is relatively painless across operating systems and across web servers. I have no doubt Adobe (Macromedia / Allaire) has devoted time to making that easy over the years.

I doubt the download / install can be done in 10 minutes, but it is a relatively painless process. On the other hand, if I go to (oops, I mean ) I click the download link in the nav bar it gives me 6 options for Windows Binaries, I have 6 options of 5.2.8 for Windows. I have no idea which one is the I need; but none of them are labeled WAMP installer. What would make me, as a PHP newbie, go looking for an installer from a 3rd party? What if I don't want to install Apache or MySQL?

Amy wrote:
--- In, Jeffry Houser <j...@...> wrote:
I prefer CF because it is what I know. Since it comes from Adobe
integration w/ Flex is top notch. After 2 days of trying, I gave up trying to get PHP to work on my
machine; so I'm amused by the claim it can be setup w/ minimal fuss.

I wonder how 10 minutes to find and install WAMP stacks up against the time to order Coldfusion, get it, and install it...?

Jeffry Houser, Technical Entrepreneur
Adobe Community Expert:  | Phone: 203-379-0773
Easy to use Interface Components for Flex Developers
Part of the DotComIt Brain Trust

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