Thanks Lee,

> I have been searching around for a while on different setups for flex and
> have recently been using the following: A Flex UI with symfony framework on
> php5.2.8 on MySQL database. Although I have only been trying out the symfony
> framework for a while it appears very powerful and would meet your criteria
> of using multiple database vendors. There are also some great tutorials on
> their site

Well one more avenue, I will consider this too.
Just for sec of information can u just briefly mention
how u are using it wrt Flex application and how database
abstraction is achieved in Symphony ?

To best of my knowledge only persistence is to be handled by
PHP server and in a very fast browse of website i could not
locate any information about handling persistence. I feel that
Flex application will need data to/fro from server either in XML
format or in form of data objects rest of the things will be 
taken care by Serverside framework. Off course performance also
a factor to be considered.  

Have u tested it on multiple dbms ?

Thanks Once again and best regards. 


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