On 30/04/2010, at 7:50 AM, Seth Caldwell wrote:

> Steve is employing several tactics used by politicians. The iphone is not 
> “open”. Their app store is a money making machine and they guard it fiercely. 
> If their web browser was able to deliver flash content, there would be no 
> need to deliver apps as you could just have a set of bookmarks of flash apps.
If that was the reason why not allow Flash apps to be created using Adobe's 
iPhone packager?

Everyone's got a conspiracy theory, but I don't see too many people actually 
thinking through and rationally evaluating the arguments that Jobs has made. 
Conspiracy theories are easier and more fun I guess.

> How much money have they made off silly little animated games selling for 
> $1.99 that were developed YEARS ago in flash that had to be redeveloped for 
> their platform? And they have control over approving what apps are allowed.

How much money have Flash developers made from making silly little games that 
were developed YEARS ago in C or assembler that had to be redeveloped in 
> He says that apple gave adobe some  support to make a flash player for the 
> mac… if that is the case perhaps those engineers purposely made it buggy on 
> their platform so people wouldn’t want to use flash? It’s no coincidence that 
> they are driving the “html 5” standard to fit within their own codebase, 
> which gives their developers a lead since they are the ones writing the code 
> that interprets/renders that content and others will have to do the slower 
> reverse-engineering which puts their platforms behind in the race. Every inch 
> counts.
Rubbish. Every major modern browser is implementing HTML 5. HTML 5 support is 
well under way in Opera and Mozilla, and Google Chrome (the best browser for 
Windows) uses the WebKit engine. The only holdout on standards adoption has 
been Microsoft and even they are now getting on board.
>  Personally, I’m switching from my iphone to nexus… html 5 does not have 
> anywhere near the level of development tools that flash does… when my phone 
> can run an air app I will be a very happy camper indeed. I would bet all the 
> money in my bank account that we will have flash on a phone this year, so 
> just hold tight.
Sure, but so what? You'll have html 5 on that phone too, probably. I don't 
think that proves anything.

> Don’t drink Steve’s koolaid guys… he’s declared war and the tactics he’s 
> using, the insults he’s throwing about adobe not being “open” and so on… they 
> are just plain immature.
The standard of argument against his posting that I've seen on this list is 
MUCH lower.

Not being open is not an insult, and it's a fact. 

I think you should carefully re-read his arguments so you understand them.

It's not koolaid, it's a pina-colada, and he's making it plain you can take it 
or leave it.

> When the iphone first came out I loved it. I put an apple sticker on my 
> motorcycle helmet after having been a PC guy my entire life. But now.. now 
> I’m tearing that sticker off. I am shamed to represent this man.
And you think Steve Jobs is being immature...?


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