Personally I’m not expecting flex to overcome ajax in terms of market share for one simple reason. Ajax can accommodate a large proportion of developers needs. That’s not a bad thing, just a reality. Not everyone will need the kind of firepower that flex can deliver. I do believe though that we’ll see solid penetration into the enterprise scene.


We should also be aware of the impact of flash video. Its use is skyrocketing right now …and anywhere you have the flash player for video you open a door to flex technologies. With this in mind I’m thinking the second segment we’ll see penetration is in public commerce sites. Look at Nike for example, heavy reliance on flash …and now they’re moving into application development with the new deal with Apple and the ipod. Adoption here may take some time as flash player penetration is a factor.


Apple may have 5% share but if you purchased stock a few years back you’d be doing quite well today. Secondly there’s plenty of room for them to grow …one could argue that’s a safer position then having to defend an already existing empire.


Lastly, growth of Ajax will have a residual positive effect for flex technologies as it validates the idea that we need to make more experience-centric applications.






From: [] On Behalf Of jwc_wensan
Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2006 11:47 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] AJAX versus Flex


To all:

Got this email today, and it got me to

I may get blasted for this, but here goes . . . just my .0199 cents.

Let me first say I believe 100% that the Flex platform is a
better "mousetrap".  I am currently developing applications with
Flex.  I prefer Flex.

However, you can not open a software magazine, newsletter, journal,
article, etc. that doesn't reference something about AJAX.  It's
everywhere.  Adobe's Flex gets an "honorable mention".

I have been in the software business for over 27 years.  I have seen
many companies come and go that had a better "mousetrap".  I also
realize that most end users do not care if a desktop app is
developed with Visual C++ or Visual Basic.  So why would they care
what a RIA app is developed with.  Probably not.

In the end it is the application not the engine.

There seems to be a parallel between PCs with Windows and
Apple/Macs.  Many believe that the Mac is better, but Apple/Mac has
less the 5% of the market.

Can Adobe accept 5% market share?

You also can not under estimate the impact when Microsoft releases
Atlas.  And no Robert I don't want to hear about how you hate MS or
the evil empire.  Fact is, tens of thousands of developers will and
I say will use their product.

What this also does is make it more difficult for developers to
convince management that the Flex product is better.  Especially
when all they hear is AJAX this and AJAX that.

AJAX is getting all the hype.  Right or wrong these are the facts. 
They have essentially taken over the RIA landscape and claimed it as
their own.

My point . . . . Adobe you need to step up to the plate.  If you
think you can wait, then by the time you start you will be too far
behind.  You will be left behind always playing catch-up.  If
you want to reach that 1 million developer goal, it needs to start

To be better and say you are better is not enough.  If the industry
has already declared AJAX as the RIA industry leader then it becomes
too late.

>From a market perception, look how AJAX has evolved in the last
year.  Compare that to Adobe Flex.  Adobe you are asking developers
to make a commitment to you, well I think you need to increase your
commitment to us.

Now is the time to promote to the industry and the general public as
a whole about the value of Flex.

Again, just my opinion.





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