OK. I am usually very hesitant to criticize Adobe because of the
immense respect I have for their employees and the amazing technology
they create. I have built my career around their products. That being
said, the styling capabilities in Flex are downright silly. I have
suffered silently through some small, yet extremely annoying
"nuances", but this one takes the cake: You can't style a Button to
not have a border!!!

Developer: "Hey button, go ahead and skip your border drawing routine."
Button: "Eff that! I love my borders and I ain't getting rid of them
for anyone!"

WTF. I can understand not supporting some styling features people
would like, but not supporting one that is just turning something off?
What gives? I realize I could probably subclass Button and override
the drawing but that is uber-overkill for something that should be a
simple attribute.

If someone from Adobe can offer a valid reason for why this isn't
supported I would love to hear it. I would also be very interested to
know if styling is an area that is being focused on for significant
upgrades in future versions.


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