I can't answer any of that for Adobe, but here is some input.


Granted, I agree that it should be a default css property that can be
easilty changed... It actually can be done without a ton of work.  The
easiest way to do that is to copy & modify the halo ButtonSkin class,
and use it as a custom skin on your button.  Just modify the
updateDisplayList function so that it draws the gradient rectangles on
top of each other, without the pixel offset for the border, when calling
the drawRoundRect functions.  Search for the string "// button fill" in
that class, and you will see the areas that need to be updated.  You
don't need to subclass the button at all.


You can find the halo skins as a reference at C:\Program
Files\Adobe\Flex Builder 2\Flex SDK 2\frameworks\source\mx\skins\halo


I have more info on skinning flex apps at


Hope that helps,



Andrew Trice

Cynergy Systems, Inc.



Blog: http://www.cynergysystems.com/blogs/page/andrewtrice


Office: 866-CYNERGY 



From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of ben.clinkinbeard
Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2006 10:52 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Styling in Flex is officially ridiculous


OK. I am usually very hesitant to criticize Adobe because of the
immense respect I have for their employees and the amazing technology
they create. I have built my career around their products. That being
said, the styling capabilities in Flex are downright silly. I have
suffered silently through some small, yet extremely annoying
"nuances", but this one takes the cake: You can't style a Button to
not have a border!!!

Developer: "Hey button, go ahead and skip your border drawing routine."
Button: "Eff that! I love my borders and I ain't getting rid of them
for anyone!"

WTF. I can understand not supporting some styling features people
would like, but not supporting one that is just turning something off?
What gives? I realize I could probably subclass Button and override
the drawing but that is uber-overkill for something that should be a
simple attribute.

If someone from Adobe can offer a valid reason for why this isn't
supported I would love to hear it. I would also be very interested to
know if styling is an area that is being focused on for significant
upgrades in future versions.



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