This is just blue-sky guessing, but why not use prototype.
class Base {
   updateDisplayList:Void() { /* some good code */}
class Child {
   updateDisplayList:Void() {
   // hundreds of lines of useless code
class Grandchild {
    Grandchild() {
Grandchild.prototype.updateDisplayList = Base.prototype.updateDisplayList;

Anthony Lee wrote:
maybe I want to override (and by that I mean NOT run the code in)
parent.updateDisplayList. But if I override updateDisplayList,
then at some point in my method I've got to call super.updateDisplayList
to get anything to work. But that means I'm going to run all the code in
super.updateDisplayList, when in reality I just want to run the code in


Forgive my nativity but is there no way to hack the required
functionality into the super class or something higher that it
inherits from? This kind of thing went on all the time with AS1.


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