For clarification, the idea is simply to allow a marker to be clicked to 
open it, but then trigger an event/call a function in the cairngorm app 
when clicking on a link in the description.



Michael Wills wrote:
> Hello all,
> Just wondering if it's possible to use asfunction to call a function 
> in a cairngorm app from the htmltext in the description of a POI 
> marker within a Yahoomap in a Flex 2 app without making modification 
> to the as2map.fla file.
> It's a long shot, but I was just wondering if it's been done, and 
> eagerly anticipating a true AS3 map component.
> The new AS3 "event:" protocol of course isn't recognized by the Flash 
> 8 interpreter and so it's not available.
> So I was hoping it would be something like:
> markerDesction = "<a asfunction:doNotKnowWhatGoesHere.myFunction/>"
> Is that a possibility at all?
> Thanks,
> Michael

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