
in my ant build file I getting:

W:\jboss-4.0.5\server\default\deploy\Myapp.war\build.xml:64: Invalid
element: path-element


Actually builds OK, but doesn't affect size of code at all.

         ${FLEX_HOME} = W:/Program Files/Adobe/Flex Builder 3

I run Flex Builder Plug-in 3, build 3.0.190133 beta 3

Also I'm getting this warning:
     [mxmlc] Warning: A signed RSL was specified for library W:\Program
Files\Adobe\Flex Builder 3
Plug-in\sdks\3.0.0\frameworks\libs\framework.swc without an unsigned RSL
as a failover. To avoid runtime errors, either require player version
9.0.60 in your HTML wrapper or add an unsigned RSL as a failover for the
signed RSL. Use -target-player=9.0.60 if you choose to require player
version 9.0.60.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Gaurav Jain" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think you should modify your ant task to following:
> <mxmlc file="${BUILD_SPACE}ActiveUpdate.mxml"
> output="${DEPLOY_DIR}/ActiveUpdate.swf"
>                               actionscript-file-encoding="UTF-8"
> services="${BUILD_SPACE}res/services-config.xml"
>                               context-root="ISP"
>                               locale="en_US" as3="true"
> optimize="true" static-rsls="false" headless-server="true">
> <!--
>             <runtime-shared-libraries url="framework_3.0.189825.swf"/>
> -->
> <runtime-shared-library-path>
> </runtime-shared-library-path>
>             <source-path path-element="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks"/>
> <compiler.keep-as3-metadata>false</compiler.keep-as3-metadata>
>             <compiler.debug>false</compiler.debug>
>             <compiler.library-path dir="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks"
> append="true">
>                 <include name="libs" />
>                 <include name="../bundles/{locale}" />
>             </compiler.library-path>
>         </mxmlc>
> if you are using FB 3, it would use <runtime-shared-library-path> and
> not <runtime-shared-libraries>.
> <runtime-shared-library-path> was introduced in flex 3 to support
> framework caching.
> Thanks,
> Gaurav
> --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "lytvynyuk" lytvynyuk@ wrote:
> >
> > In that case no point to report bug, everything works for me too.
> > Problem for me is different actually it is about RSL.
> >
> > I try to build everytinh with RSL which suppose to decrease size of
> > application. WQhich is not happening. AS you see I included RSL into
> > my flex build task but it doesnt really affect anything, with or
> without
> >
> > <runtime-shared-libraries
> >
> > it produces same size app, but when I compiled it WITH and run it it
> > demands presence of framework_3.0.189825.swf.
> >
> > With ECLIPSE it actually decreases size of application.
> >
> > What is the syntax of correct usage of RSL in ant?
> >
> > --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Gaurav Jain" <gauravj@> wrote:
> > >
> > > These numbers are after only switching debug (true|false) using
> > > tasks.
> > >
> >

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