I see, still I have debug version, which popups exceptions when
something happened.  (BTW, how to distinguish between debug and non
debug, size?)

But another fun started when I deployed everything under Linux (Red
Hat) Application was build and linked using framework_3.0.189825.swz 
under windows, and I works well there. But when I copied same files
under linux right away I got Error #2046. BUT is copied ORIGINAL swz
from Adobe SDK folder.

In trouble shooting guide it sais:

This error indicates that the loaded RSL was not signed properly. In
the case of framework RSLs, the framework's SWZ file that the
application attempted to load at run time was not a properly signed
SWZ file. You must ensure that you deploy an Adobe-signed RSL.

I'm pretty sure I copied original file taken from Flex 3B3
distribution. What is wrong?!

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Gaurav Jain" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My bad. The syntax I sent was incorrect. It was meant to be 
> <runtime-shared-library-path
> path-element="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/libs/framework.swc">
> The warning you get is because you have specified the signed version
> of the framework rsl (.swz) in the arguments.  It would go away if you
> either use the unsigned version (.swf) or also add the
> target-player=9.0.60 (signed rsl support is only available from 9.0.60
> onwards)
> As to why you don't see difference in size between in FB and ant
> tasks. I would recommend you to compare all setting once again (look
> in the .actionScriptProperties file), if you don't find any
> differences file a bug (with your test case). 
> Thanks,
> Gaurav

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