

Second comment. Or Question. Make sure you are using a stereo plug from the microphone to the Mic in. Although I have not traced it, or the ramifications, using a mono plug would short the sleeve and the ring.


In another context this is true of single stereo jacks on the backs of radios which allow for both a keyer input and a paddle input. Even if you are using a keyer and keying the tip, you still need a stereo jack to avoid shorting the ring and sleeve.


Eric - AA4SW



-----Original Message-----

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of k5nu

Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2005 12:13 AM

To: FlexRadio@flex-radio.biz

Subject: [Flexradio] D44 interface kit


Sdr men,


I have constructed the interface kit as per instructions and per the photo of a completed one.  However, I have a problem.  Plugging the mic into the interface at MIC IN, I have no audio to the sdr.  I have rechecked and everything seems to be in order.  Perhaps I am forgetting or overlooking a step, or a procedure to make this work?  Any assist would be appreciated.


Works fine with D44 breakout box, but not with the interface kit.


73,  Mike K5NU





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