As noted, I did manage to do some operating yesterday afternoon.

Real easy to raise a pileup on 17 M SSB.

When the SDRs were set up, tried 40 SSB without success!  Bob Fox
explained we needed the amp on line just to get started.  I'd never done
it in the "DX range" before, but apparently, 40 SSB is very competitive
for DX stations.

We didn't have the amp in line so I went to supper.  After supper, plugged
the "Bulldog" keyer in and tried 40 CW.

Not my best and most shining hour.  Keep in mind I'd been up at that point
for about 20 hours.  Did about 25 Qs in an hour's operating time.  Not
satisfied with my "performance".  We'll see.

If I do it again tonight, I'll probably be on 40 CW in the lower extra
part of the band (as close to 7.005 as I can manage).  There was a steady
stream of US, Euro, some Carribeans.  Even had TI8CBT (I think I remember
that right, op is Carlos) chasing me.  A real trip after I had run afgter
him on RTTY at home.

However, we may be on 160 instead (that is, someone other than me).  We
just erected an HF2V modified by V31MD to be 160 only.  They just got done
rsonating it for about 1830.

After supper (about an hour from now) we should have one or two stations
on the air.

After that, it's anyone's guess as to the next step.  Tomorrow, Eric and I
get up with my wife and Carson to tour some Mayan ruins.  My wife and I
snorkelled Laughing Bird Caye today -- tremendous experience, ocean life
starts the moment you put your mask in the water.  We'll have to see if
any of the pictures are any good and see if we can get 'em on CD down

Got an arial shot from the plane ride Eric described yesterday as my
"wallpaper."  More when I have time.  May also try to run up to 7.030 to
give you all a chance at 40 CW sometime (not sure when).  If I can e-mail
from the shack, I'll give a holler here when ready.

A lot is still coming together, but it looks very good for the contest.

Larry   V31LL

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