Lyle Johnson wrote:

...Even with traditional radios these days, the PC is an integral part of
operating.  Not critical as it is with a SDR, but still a very important

With the SDR-1000, the PC is part of the *radio* and not just a station convenience accessory, and one must take that into account when measuring the impact on computer resources (ports, CPU, memory, display real estate, ...). I can operate with no computer in the shack with my traditional radio. I can't operate my SDR-1000 without a PC, because most of the radio *is* the PC (which is different than saying that the radio consumes most of the PC)!

I think this is the fundamental discussion.

Is the PC the "radio" (and, implicitly, consumed by that function) or is it a PC controling a peripheral that happens, in this instance, to *be* a radio among the other tasks I'm asking of it.

I've always thought of it as the latter. If you think of it that way, you're much, much less interested in a dedicated machine.

Larry  WO0Z

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