To all the SDR users that replied to my "confessions" message, I thank you. I was sure there were more than a few who felt that some of the messages on the reflector were in Chinese or some other foreign language. I have no intention of giving up on the sdr or any other phase of ham radio. I am having more fun now after 46 years than I did when I started. Last night i resusitated an old FT-401B and worked a little DX on 80 with it. I am nearing DXCC with my K2 / bicycle mobile. Ham radio is wayyyyyyy too much fun. I am looking forward to a more user friendly CW version of the software as that is my mode of choice. Therefore, be prepared, as I will hold nothing back. Expect many questions that may seem obviously easy to answer. hi I appreciate the responsive users on the reflector just as the Elecraft group has been. A nice fraternity this ham radio hobby is.

73, Mike K5NU

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