> I'm 100% with Mike on this one. It would be very useful to
> run at least two instances of PowerSDR on 1 machine if
> possible. With the level of CPU usage that I've seeing on
> recent builds of PowerSDR on my AMD XP3000+ I think that
> there is plenty of horsepower left to run a second PowerSDR
> session. Obviously as noted the trick will be keeping the
> hardware straight.

Two separate databases in two separate directories ought to be sufficient
and, in my view, necessary.

One small feature might be added:  Quietly put the "title bar text" into
the data base, even if we don't allow it to be modified on the "forms." 
For the population that do this, hand patching the title bar text under
Excell or something is a small, but useful cue as to which radio you are
using if it is not otherwise obvious.  It would do until we get to
"skinnable" rigs where making which is which obvious would be trivial.

Larry  WO0Z

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