> > Could you not just set the port addresses
> > in each instance of PowerSDR...no USB confusion.
> [Eric] Absolutely.  This should work fine.

This solution could work with USB as well without (much) confusion.
Multiple SDR-1000 USB devices can be used simultaneously on a single
computer. I may be slightly biased here, but I think this is much
easier than adding parallel ports to your computer (especially

Although USB is supposed to be plug-and-play and not bother people
with technical stuff like port numbers or I/O addresses, we can make
the USB driver detect which physical USB port the adapter is connected
to. We simply need a setting in PowerSDR software to select the USB
port we want to use with radio 1,2,...,N.

I will look into this after the weekend.

73, Sami OH2BFO

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