It can be implemented in hardware and it should be along with the proper keyer and sidetone where they both belong. We should be taking the CW sidetone and doing demod/remod.

Thank you for being gentle with out ineptitude.


Mark Ericksen wrote:

Hello everyone, I am a soon to be SDR-1000 user (it's on order).  I have been 
following the threads on this forum with great interest and have even been 
reading a C# book when time permits (and I'm going to need a lot of time).

There has been some discussion lately about latency when using VOX.  My 
question is why does VOX have to be implemented totally in software?  Wouldn't 
it be feasible to implement a hardware/software solution?  Couldn't a small 
circuit board be attached to the back of the microphone connector that could be 
managed by the parallel port and would that solve the any question of latency?

Just asking  ....... be gentle ....... I'm new.

Mark Ericksen

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