I don't think QSK is the real issue to most CW
operators as much as being able to maintain the
tick-tick relationship you establish with your
contact.  QSK rigs as a byproduct of their design do
this automatically.

As primarily a CW operator, I have to say that I agree with this 100%. For me, it is not so much the switching speed (being able to hear in between the dits at 40 wpm is not that important to me) as it as the smoothness of the switching. Although I know that true QSK may be difficult to acheive on an SDR, I think eventually replacing the rather loud and slow T/R relay in the SDR-1000 with something like a pin diode setup or a reed type relay would in my view greatly enhance the SDR-1000 for CW use.


John, KD8K

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