Thanks, Bill.  The real kudos go to the Flex team for the underlying code
foundation they've created and the updates they continue to provide.  My
changes are really just straightforward mods to this existing code base.  If
a hardware engineer like me can figure out what's going on (for the most
part), that speaks volumes regarding the code base itself.

Also - thanks to suggestions from Ken N9VV, Alan Davis, Phil Harmon, Beppe
IK3VIG, Klaus Lohmann, and Mike W6THW.


- Jeff, WA6AHL

-----Original Message-----
From: William Bordy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2006 7:30 PM
To: 'Jeff Anderson';
Subject: RE: [Flexradio] WA6AHL Console


Thanks for posting the URL to your console and making it available. What a
great Easter present! It's like you were reading my mind or watching over my
shoulder when I operate and modifying the console to optimize its use for
me. The Panadapter scaling and panning is great along with the RX and TX
offset. The right click to select destination VFO A or B on left click is
great for split operation. I used it for PSK31 operation tonight and will be
putting it to use on other modes over the next few days.

If you're a hunt and pounce guy like me, these changes make the use of the
SDR1000 much nicer.


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