I've been a commercial purchaser of software for over 30 years and I've 
developed an aversion to words like: Power, Super, Deluxe, Extreme, Plus, 
Perfect when used in the title or description of a software product. They make 
me look for pretentious advertising. Software is soft, it has no power of its 
own it just controls machines. Maybe adding words like User Version or 
Developer Version can make since but not Power User Version. In my humble 
opinion I can suggest that when they get to version 2.0.1 renaming it 
SDR-Control V 2.0.1 may be less offensive. The radio system is so completely 
Superior to all radios in its price range and still far better than most in any 
price range that nothing about its descriptions should use otherwise 
pretentious descriptors. They detract from the most serious development in RF 
communications since SSB.
  Just my humble opinion.
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