>>> Ahi,
>>> Is this box (SDR-1000) a piece of bench test gear or a radio?
> Yes it is and I am very happy it is.
> 73's
> Bob
> N4HY

Well, OK, if it makes Bob happy I will "go along".. anyway I am making no 
progress on this topic at all, so I have to move along to other issues.

I just will clarify, again, my position on this. I fail to see the 
usefulness of the "feature", to me all it is is a distracting flickering 
jumble with very little useful information transferred to the user.

Specifically why I feel this way is that, to me anyway, when I look at this 
element of the display, and try to discerned any useful information from it, 
I am lucky to catch an occasional number here and there, and *only*  if that 
number is on the display long enough for persistence of vision to allow it 
to travel to my brain. The rest of the fast moving numbers (too fast for 
vision and brain) just sit there and flicker around.  It is not unusual for 
anywhere from a 1/2 a second to 3 or four seconds to pass before I can 
"catch" another complete number. How can that possibly be "useful" by any 
reasonable definition of the word?

A suggestion was made in the Feature tracker, to allow a  variable user 
defined "peak hold time" to be applied to this display. I fail to see why 
that suggestion has caused so much rancor on this reflector.  I thought it 
was an excellent solution.  It is a one size fits all, win win.  For those 
of you that have eyes from the head of Mr. Clark Kent you can set the hold 
time to Zero, and for old men, like me, I can set the hold time to something 
like 500 mils.

-Dan K6KDK 

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