> 5) Yes, I can watch the "flickering" meter and optically resolve an
> average, or be cognizant of a peak value. I am 73 years old and have the
> eyesight that goes with that so I am not a techie possessing superior
> acutity.
> > Grinning all the time.....
> Jim, W4ATK
Jim,    I don't know what pills you doctor has prescribed but I want some! 
I have a question for you:  When you watch a movie, (30FPPS SMPTE standard 
frame rate) can you "resolve" each frame?  I think not, ..  Imagine a 
"movie" made of digits, each one different from the last. If I play that 
movie to you and asked you to give me an accurate numerical average of the 
numbers, could you do that?  That is the job of the computer, to average, 
compute and then display to the human operator the result.

I think what has irked me about this discussion, and why I am hanging in 
here on it is that it speaks of an interesting feature of the average Joe 
Ham.  He is a person that hangs onto the past (even the very brief past of 1 
year of software revisions to a GUI), even in the face of an, obviously, 
better solution.  Nostalgia is the guiding light for the Ham.  With the SDR 
and it's software I have noticed what I will call "selective nostalgia".

I mean, think about it: Here you have a piece of modern computing hardware, 
and you are straining your eyes to "average" a fast moving flicker of 
numbers on a display. You are going to "die-hard" before you let Dan talk 
you into using the computer for the job intended. By golly you are going to 
stare your eyes until they fall out of your head before you will have the 
programmer change that display!   Why? Well, simple, because that's the way 
the display was YESTERDAY, and damned if it going to change TOMORROW! This 
seems so odd, in light of the concept of an SDR, but there you have it 
anyway.   Some of us are just going to latch onto a "feature" here and there 
and stick to it.  Just Hams at work, I guess...


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