For what it is worth, can it be a soundcard related problem?


" I should have mentioned before that I did indeed test with the AFC on
and off in both sound card programs (MixW and Digipan), no difference in
the drift was seen in any case, still a few tens of  Hz. " (Brian K7RE)

As I understand it, its only a small drift, Some odd things in a soundcard 

could maybe change the actual clock frequency a bit just after switching 

between TX and RX, This could result in a small change in the soundcard 

output frequency and so in the transmitted signal


Just a thought, I hope not to send anyone in the wrong direction


Happy 2007 pa0pvn (70 minutes to go 2006)

groeten Peter
petervn(a) <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  ; pa0pvn(a) 
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   ;
pa0pvn(a) ; pa0pvn(a) .


Van: [EMAIL PROTECTED] namens Jim Lux
Verzonden: zo 31-12-2006 22:18
Aan: Brian Kassel; Ross Stenberg
Onderwerp: Re: [Flexradio] More Strange Frequency Drift Problem

At 12:22 PM 12/31/2006, Brian Kassel wrote:
>Hi Ross:
>   As I had mentioned in 2  messages  to Tim:
>  "I also got a reply from Ken, N9VV.  He basically agrees with you, and
>I gladly accept the turn on drift, no problem.  I stand informed and
>educated by you both, thanks!
>    What does bother me though is the drift that occurs for about 2
>seconds after going from TX to RX.  This same amount of drift happens no
>matter what power level is run, and no matter  for what time period the
>transmission occurs.  Makes for tough operating in a digital mode
>contest, which is my main operation here.  I have never seen this
>mentioned on the Flex reflector.  Owing to the fact that the drift
>amount and time to stabilize remains the same, it doesn't seem like any
>temperature related phenomena.  If this is inherent to normal operation
>of the SDR-1000, then it would appear that either the K2WS mod, or the
>GPS mod may be in order.  I really want to be sure though before I spend
>the big bucks, that there is no other alternative. "
>" I should have mentioned before that I did indeed test with the AFC on
>and off in both sound card programs (MixW and Digipan), no difference in
>the drift was seen in any case, still a few tens of  Hz. "
>   So even accepting the short initial turn on, I am still saddled with
>the TX-RX drift.  Also, I am not totally sure that going with the K2WS
>or GPS mod,  the TX-RX drift will be  cured.   Still open for any ideas!

Something weird is going on.  There shouldn't be that much change in
the frequency just changing from Tx to Rx and back.  Is your power
supply voltage varying (although, I think the XO runs off a regulated
5V)?  Is the frequency change a "step" change or a slow drift to a
new steady state (where slow is a couple seconds)..

My SDR1000s (old ones, no thermistors) drift on initial power up, but
are rock steady shifting between Tx and Rx.

James Lux, P.E.
Spacecraft Radio Frequency Subsystems Group
Flight Communications Systems Section
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Mail Stop 161-213
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena CA 91109
tel: (818)354-2075
fax: (818)393-6875

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