--- Jim Lux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I actually think the optimum long range solution is a Linux
> embedded 
> PC in the radio box talking over ethernet to the UI running
> on 
> Windows (or whatever).  Then, the radio hackers get a nice
> open 
> source platform to tinker in (and it's easier to do that
> kind of 
> thing in Linux than Windows).  The "all I want is a radio"
> folks get 
> what they want, without having to buy a whole 'nother
> computer that 
> then has to be managed. (the embedded Linux box is a
> stripped down 
> distro, etc.)  And the Windows UI folks get to do all the
> nice 
> Windows UI things, including coexisting with other ham
> radio and 
> other software.

This is pretty much the same conclusion that I keep coming
back to. Although I don't think that the SDR-1000's PC
necessarily need be embedded.

FWIW I drive my SDR-1000 (& other SDR experiments) dedicated
XP machine 90% of the time via VNC from my main 3 monitor W2K
 system even though the SDR-1000's PC is on the same KVM with
the W2K box.


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