
if you are interested in a comparision of the cloned SDR-1000 with the 
original one, you may have a look here:


There is a brief report in the German SDR-1000 Forum, it is in German, but 
the summary is in the tables, which are understandable to all readers.

No further comment.....

73 de Bodo, DJ9CS

Sami Aintila schrieb:
> Heh, from the looks of it, they've cloned every (nasty) detail of the
> SDR-1000. Including the pretty awkward bit banging to control the
> retrofitted RFE board!
> OK, it may be fully compatible with SDR-1000, but I would feel really
> stupid using something like this. (Not to mention the moral and
> possibly legal issues.)
> Sami OH2BFO
> On 1/4/07, Philip Covington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On 1/4/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Well in fact a 1 board functional clone of the SDR-1000 1W is already 
>>> available, check out www.kd-elektronik.com/af_e/sdr_e.html. Seems to be a 
>>> well-made board, and the price is right, too. Thanks to Dominik Bugmann 
>>> HB9CZF for pointing this out to me.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Krister OH2MLQ
>> Wow, that is a pretty blatant copy of the SDR-1000.  Gosh, they even
>> made the enclosure graphics similar.  Hmm...
>> The price is about $780 USD without case.  The case adds about $190.
>> Phil N8VB

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