Last night on the same antenna, swr on the external digital meter, 1.05 , power 
out on Tune- 11w.

This morning without changing a thing, swr 3.8, power out on Tune 42w.

Of course putting another radio in its place, swr 1.0 as usual.

The puzzling part is that this happens so far only on one particular antenna - 
a 20 meter monobander.  It has never given any odd swr readings on any other 
radio.  Only the sdr and only inconsistently.  Last night after I had put the 
message on the reflector about the high swr, of course I checked and it was 
1.05 with the sdr - no problem.  And now this morning it is very high 3.8.  
Changed nothing.   the sdr has been on all night.  And changing rigs on the 
same antenna at the same feedpoint - swr 1.0.

The swr reads high on the sdr independent of power level even down to the 
And by the way, I have also replaced the computer as well as all physical 
components in the system to no avail.

The only thing unchanged so far is the soundcard - Delta 44.

73,  Mike K5NU
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