At 07:12 PM 5/30/2007, Larry W8ER wrote:
>Frank ... everyone that I know that is serious about audio and owns a
>Flex is using external processing for exactly the reason that you are
>inquiring about. I have been absolutely unable to get  close to the
>performance of a simple external hardware preamp and compressor with the
>built in software processing. So the short is .. yes your experience is
>right on. I have to add however, that I don't consider it a problem. It
>would be nice to not need to use external gear but it doesn't bother me
>that I do!

I would speculate that since this sort of function is very popular 
for other uses (e.g. the music biz), folks are figuring you could buy 
some software to implement it (or find freeware), and then pipe the 
audio output to the PowerSDR input using VAC or something similar.

For audio processing this is a MUCH more appealing model, IF the 
needed processing is available somewhere else.  It keeps PowerSDR 
less cluttered.  I'd rather the PowerSDR developers spend their time 
on radio specific features (like calibration and RF performance 
related things.. noise blankers, etc) rather than trying to build 
ever better audio equalizers, multiband compressors, or gods forbid, 
flangers, phasers, fuzzboxes, wah pedal emulators, reverb, etc.

I don't know the specifics of what's available, but I have several 
friends working with fairly sophisticated recording studios and a LOT 
of signal processing in software (albeit most on Macs).

Jim, W6RMK

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