Interestingly, in the digi world (PSK31) both HamScope and MixW have 
notch filters built right into their waterfall's. You simply right click 
on the offending signal and notch it out (up to about 40db I think).
de ken n9vv

>> I agree a manual notch filter would be useful and would be even better if
>> you could right click the offending signal when in panadapter display and
>> have a selection to apply notch filter. Also it should be available in
>> other
>> modes as well as CW.
>> Just some wishful thinking :-)
>> Dave
>> WO2X
> I've advocated that there be some kind of "quiver" of manual notch filters
> that you could drag and drop over the offending signals.
> Unlike conventional notch filters, they would stay in place until you
> dragged them off the panadapter or spectrum displays wherever you could
> place them.
> I also suggested it look kind of like an arrow so there was room at the
> top of the gadget to use the scroll wheel (after a click on the top) to
> adjust the notch's width.
> The right click isn't the right solution, because it's already tied up in
> the very important click-to-vfo functionality.
> Larry Wo0Z
> PS, an interesting use for a manual notch that has just occurred to me and
> could be SDR specific would be to informally create a "comb" filter for
> RTTY.  I don't know if one always would want one, but there have been
> times where overlapping RTTY signals have made me wish for a comb, but
> maybe this sort of feature would be enough in terms of having it.  I don't
> know if I'd want a full time comb filter for RTTY because one can tune
> well enough without a perfect shift.  Start tossing in a comb filter and
> more precise tuning is probably needful.
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