At 10:03 AM 7/11/2007 -0700, you wrote:
>Yes, I've done this before with the Radio Plus Quantum Phaser and my current
>Wellbrook phased array. Some of my MW DX friends have done extensive work in
>this area by modifying the MFJ phaser, or building Misek-based units such as
>the phasers Dallas Lankford designs. Mark Connelly in particular is leading
>the pack with phasing approaches. His Web site is a wealth of information:
>Part of the difficulty in phasing semi-locals from my usual DXpedition
>locations at the WA coast is the combination of groundwave and skywave
>during the prime sunrise/sunset DX windows. Arrival angles of the foreign DX
>varies a lot at sunrise, too, and makes it very tough to impossible to
>achieve a steady null.


I see you are no novice regards ekeing out MW dx.  I also find the 
flexradio an excellent DXing receiver, which makes me think there is a 
market for a similar receive only unit, built on a single board.

Jim, VE3CI

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