Quoting Ted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, on Sun 23 Dec 2007 12:27:02 PM PST:

> Ok, I see why I connected the two technologies.  Does the 'exact'   
> timing needed for CCW help with the 'very narrow bandwidth detector'  
>  methodology?
> Is the CCW detector only allowing or gating for the signal at an   
> 'exact' moment in time?
> hmmm, more questions. :-)

Both.. you KNOW when the dits and dahs are occuring (symbol sync), and  
because you are tracking carrier phase, you can coherently integrate  
over the symbol time, which improves the SNR.

Say you had a really narrow receiver, but didn't know when the dits  
and dahs are.  You sample the output of the receiver, but you might  
happen to sample half way between a dit and the inter-dit interval.

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