Gerald Youngblood (FlexRadio Systems) wrote:
> Let me clarify that FlexRadio will not force an OS that is not compatible
> with the bulk of amateur radio software applications.  I am not sure where
> that idea came from.
> Regards,
> Gerald

The goal is to march along with the natural changes that are occurring
even as I am typing.  The things that are changing our computing world
are virtualization and multiple cores increasing in number to a point of
diminishing returns brought on by the increasing likelihood of
contention for memory and hardware required to provide coherence, etc.
It is a dramatic change that has not filtered down to my 73 year old
mother, and just recently to my 20 year old daughter and it has not
filtered down to Firebrick and other users because, so far, they have
seen no need to.  This is not a thing to be feared but to be embraced as
most will come to see.

This is having a dramatic impact all over in development circles.  My
daughter's Mac book is running XP and some of her favorite applications
in a virtual machine.

My 64 bit Linux machine is running Windows XP in a virtual machine.  For
exactly the same reasons as our DX'ing friend FireFox, I need this
windows to work and to work seamlessly.  I use Quicken,  Turbo Tax,
Real Rhapsody as THE three most important applications in my personal
life.  They all use bloody internet explorer to render their content.
There are versions of Rhapsody using flash, etc. that run perfectly well
on Linux but these do not build libraries from bought songs and do not
rip CD's to the Rhapsody library.  Quicken and later Turbo Tax quite
literally remade my life over 20 years ago when I started using Intuit
tools.  I will be loathe to give them up.  I have purchased, absolutely,
my LAST windows only machine because I no longer require it! I am free.
 Vista will never run on a machine I use that I pay for.


AMSAT Director and VP Engineering. Member: ARRL, AMSAT-DL,
“An optimist may see a light where there is none, but why
must the pessimist always run to blow it out?” Descartes

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