Hello Flexers,

Cecil's note below comes the closest of anyone on this list to capturing the
strategy.  Let me summarize from FlexRadio's perspective:

1) The next generation software will be developed first on Linux and then
moved to Windows.  The windows move will be through whatever method makes
the most sense at the time we are ready for the move.  That could be through
virtualization (VM) or through porting the software.  
2) #1 above is exactly how the DSP code we use today (dttdsp) was developed
and then ported into PowerSDR.
3) It would be dumb of us to make a business decision that would force the
majority of our customers to deal with a more complex solution.  We are into
simplifying things rather than making them more complicated.  You can take
that one to the bank. 
4) If you hear debate back and forth on technical issues, please don't
worry.  We are in this to serve those of you who simply want a great radio
that "just keeps getting better."  As we discuss how to make it better,
remember that we won't leave you behind.
5) Unlike other radios with imbedded DSP chips that will never, ever get
faster or allow more memory, our customers can upgrade their PC, which
continues to get cheaper and faster.  That means that we can add more
capabilities over time that would bog down a typical DSP chip.  In fact, I
just bought a new Gateway PC with an Intel Quad Core processor for $699.00.
I upgraded to 3 GB RAM for $60.00 and a high performance DVI graphics card
for another $34.00.  PowerSDR running at 192 kHz takes between 2-5% of the
CPU.  Basically, the CPU is bored from all its idle time.
6) Just think, how many radios have you ever owned that had the promise of a
true next generation of software?  Oh, and that includes the SDR-1000 from
which is no longer in production.
7) Remember that we will always keep a stable Official Release that you can
rely on.

Hope this helps to clear the air some.  

FlexRadio Systems

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of k5nwa
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2007 9:39 AM
To: Flex Radio
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] I'm not a programmer

At 09:14 AM 12/26/2007, you wrote:
>So, in nice, clear, simple to understand terms what I hear you guys
>saying is: The new stuff is going to be a Linux-only solution, but that
>with virtualization we'll be able to run Windows apps on that same Linux
>Did I get that right?
>de Peter K1PGV

Not all OS's are the same contrary to other's opinion. From listening 
to programmers on other list there are many features that are much 
easier to implement in Linux than in Windows, and some things are 
extremely difficult at best, so the fact that they will be doing 
their main development in Linux doesn't bother me at all.

None of the developers have stated that Windows will not be 
supported, but the pecking order will be first in Linux, then in 
Windows. It's hard enough to figure out a feature and get it working 
without also fighting the OS at the same time. Once you got it 
working on an OS that doesn't impede you then you can concentrate on 
how to get Windows to work.

In the end it doesn't matter what we think, the guys making the 
software work, both volunteers or paid employees will make that 
decision. I'm not worried about it, the people at Flex are no fools 
they will make sure that the software is available for the OS most 
people are using.

www.softrockradio.org  www.qrpradio.com

"Blessed are the cracked, for they shall let in the light." 

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