At 07:42 AM 4/25/2008, you wrote:
>Microsoft is holding firm to ending retail sales of XP at the end of
>June of this year. They will allow OEMs to bundle it with "low-cost
>computer systems". They have, however, promised to support XP
>(releasing new bugs, eh, fixes) thru June of 2010.
>As you may know, when you buy Vista you can "downgrade" to a license
>of XP and I am not sure what that policy will mean in terms of end of
>selling XP (can you still downgrade after June 2008?).
>I know that since I am doing a ton of software testing on Vista but
>its so unstable I cannot use the testing machine regularly without it
>blowing up. Oddly enough, the only place I have Vista stability is
>running it under Apple Boot Camp or in VMWare.

I noticed the same, the reason is that large chunks of Microsoft code 
are replaced by Apple, so surprise, Windows is more stable. 
Unfortunately an OS inside another OS is not as responsive in terms 
of SDR applications, now you have two OS's to worry about going off 
doing it's own thing while the radio waits for no one.


"Blessed are the cracked, for they shall let in the light." 

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