At 02:13 PM 7/22/2008, Brian Lloyd wrote:

>On Jul 22, 2008, at 9:35 AM, Jim Lux wrote:
>>At 09:26 AM 7/22/2008, Eric Wachsmann wrote:
>>>There are tested functions defined to talk to the FlexWire
>>>interface.  These
>>>functions do indeed talk through the firewire midi port (same as
>>>all other
>>>control messages).  See ...Source\Console\FWC\fwc.cs for the details.
>>>Eric Wachsmann
>>>FlexRadio Systems
>>If someone were to figure out the format of the MIDI messages needed,
>>could a separate program feed them in, without needing to change
>>PowerSDR? (i.e. does the Windows MIDI driver do "mixing"?)
>It seems to me that the messages are more important than the
>interface. I have a number of different ways to talk to various I2C
>busses (I use I2C for IPC in our various robots). So for me, I would
>just want to know what the message format is.
>Is there are standard form for messages on the flexwire I2C bus? I am
>late to the party and I am certain you have probably thought of it.

It would appear that although there are two API calls, one with 8 
bits of data, one with 16, they both map to the same MIDI message. 
The address in the API call is a ushort, but I don't know if the F5K 
implementation uses 7 or 10 bit addresses, or what speed it runs at. 
 From the comments in the PowerSDR code, it's not clear whether they 
use the SMBus semantics, and, of course, the details of the MIDI 
message to Flexwire I2C are buried in the (non-open) firmware inside 
the F5K. All we can see is the MIDI message format, and infer what 
the transformation is.

>That strikes me as the important thing as then anyone with any
>hardware that can speak to the I2C bus could code a control or data
>collection program.

interesting idea you triggered... I2C is a multimaster bus.. once you 
have I2C peripherals, you could control them either by having the F5K 
send commands (as the result of appropriate API calls from within 
PowerSDR, or, by painfully shooting MIDI messages out) or from an 
external I2C master (for which there are "zillions" of PC 
implementations).. then, when PowerSDR is enhanced or a suitable New 
Architecture node is created, you could do away with your I2C 
controller. Actually, given that there isn't support for any FlexWire 
peripherals in the current software (at least, greping for the word 
"wire" doesn't find any), you might as well not bother connecting 
them to the F5K.  Just build your system and hope that when PowerSDR 
does support FlexWire, it will have the necessary flexibility to be 
configured for your peripherals.

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