At 04:54 PM 7/22/2008, Brian Lloyd wrote:

>Well, you are back to to talking about implementation rather than
>messages on the wire. Where do I have access to the wire? I have
>access at the Firewire and I have access at the I2C bus.

yes.. I assume that there's some standard way to do "MIDI over 
Firewire", since I don't think PowerSDR installs any special drivers 
for this, and it's a common enough thing in the music business that 
there is some default way to do it.  Clearly Windows supports it in 
some way (and probably so does MacOSX)

>  Seems to me
>that what needs to be done is to ensure that everything that one might
>want to do is instantiated in messages over these two wires.

The existing transformation appears to be pretty broad (albeit 
undocumented in the details).. There's just not a whole lot of scope 
in I2C messages, and the obvious cases are mapped into a pair of MIDI 
SysEx messages.

>Most definitely. Again, think in terms of messages on the wire. Who
>interprets those messages can change. Right now it could be an
>external controller but if that function is then subsumed by code
>running in PowerSDR or ??? it gets done there.

The question is really do you want to play at the Firewire/Midi 
message level, or at the PowerSDR API level.  The midi message level 
seems fraught with peril, since it has to play nice with the midi 
messages between PowerSDR and F5K.

>As for extending PowerSDR, maybe extensions should be implemented as
>little servers listening on the net and implementing pieces of the new
>architecture. Then as things migrate you don't need to upgrade
>everything at once.

i.e. a "cat" interface that listens on an IP address, rather than a 
serial port. (I think that already exists.. doesn't it?)


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