On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 3:36 PM, Brian Lloyd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> ...The only problem with that is if I want to run in an environment that is
> different from the one for which you plan to provide the API. This gets back
> to the "standardized message" approach I was talking about. That is
> independent from the development environment...

The response to that is, knock yourself out. Just remember you're on your

Someone has to know what it looks like. I am not comfortable with the "don't
> bother your pretty little head about that" approach...

And your point is...?

The protocol is Open. The source code is Open. You can read.

> But I want to see all the layers.

Then want shall have to be your master.

We're talking about the rules of the game for playing fair with the VR F5K,
not threatening people withTop Sekrit Dekoder Rings. All the description
really means in the end is what's promised as far as interface is concerned.
The firmware interface is *not* guaranteed to be consistent or compatible
with any public spec. The VR interface is. If you want to do an end run
around the VR interface, that's fine, it's your business, but it's your mess


Travelling by airplane in the US is nothing more than mass training of
Americans to the requirements of the coming police state. The whole point is
to make you learn to acquiesce without question, en masse, to completely
absurd directives by dull functionaries wearing uniforms. -- Digby
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