On Sun, Jul 27, 2008 at 11:28 AM, Tim Ellison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> ...sit around on the beach with your friends in Aruba steaming oysters and
> drinking cold ones by the fire for 24 hours...

Actually this is a pretty good opportunity to illustrate the difference
between the limited Cognitive Radio and the full-up one.

With the Big Bertha, bells-and-whistles version, the radio will *also* send
a text message informing the local liquor store when you're running low on
cold ones, and best of all, order up champagne when you've completed the
Sweep. All the limited Cognitive Radio can do is change bands by itself
occasionally :-)

To be a little on the serious side, though, I think the contesters who are
so up-in-arms are completely blind to the main trend.

What the technology does is kick up by dozens of notches the nature of the
interaction by contesters. Very few hams are going to have much interest
long-term in sitting back, drinking cold ones during a pointless exchange of
QSOs, year after year.

*However*.  Suppose what the cognitive technology does is increase the rate
of speed and breadth of the battlefield, so to speak. Suppose what the
technology does is make all the bands a panoramic playing board where you
can see and track, moment by moment, everything that your competition is
doing? Suppose contesting weren't just a stay-in-the-chair,
keep-up-the-QSO-rate exercise, but could become a moment-to-moment,
multiplayer, station-against-station game?

In short, the C/SDR technology is perfectly capable of turning a contest
from a long, solitary slog against attritition, to an action game with
hundreds if not thousands of players. That might be a frightening prospect
to some contesters too, but you can't say it's draining the interest out of
the sport :-)


Travelling by airplane in the US is nothing more than mass training of
Americans to the requirements of the coming police state. The whole point is
to make you learn to acquiesce without question, en masse, to completely
absurd directives by dull functionaries wearing uniforms. -- Digby
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