On 05/07/09 06:48 pm Bob McGwier wrote:

The test branch and the VS2008 branch have undergone significant revisions.
Both of them have a brand new database system (YEA ERIC, HIP HIP
HOORAY). We are using XML. You will notice that as soon as you start up,
the start up just got faster. You will notice as soon as you click apply
in the setup form, it will not run your CPU up to the rail to send two
numbers to the database. I cannot tell you how happy I am that jet
databases are on their way out for good. This is required because Jet is
dead in Vista 64 and probably beyond.

Your database will NOT be automatically converted in these test
branches. You will have to start over with a clean database.

In VS2008, it is built using .NET 3.5. You must go to microsoft update
and in optional software for XP users and make sure you have .NET 3.5
load. Both the GUI and PA19.dll REQUIRE this to be installed.

The test branch is in the same place as always. VS2008 branch (which
should now run on Vista 64) is in branches/n4hy/VS2008/bin/Release will
contain all you need to run it. The console banner reflects that you are
running the VS2008 branch now.

For those of you just using and enjoying your radio, this is all very
much test code. Go about your daily business and don't worry about this
stuff until it gets far enough along to be really stable and in the trunk.

Thanks for your work.

I hope there will be some reasonably foolproof tool for playing with the XML code -- e.g., adding/changing BandText and BandStack without causing serious errors. At least Access wouldn't let one enter duplicate records or put the wrong type of data in a field.


Alan NV8A

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