Tim, A string of 5's would give a duty cycle about 42%. A string of E's would yield a duty cycle of 25%. A string of 0's (zeros) would yield a duty cycle of about 68%. So, by using strings of mixed characters the duty cycle could be adjusted from 25% to 68%.
The final duty cycle would be the average of the duty cycles of each character in the string. An interesting mathematical exercise for someone who really has nothing better to do with their time. The formula for calculating the duty cycle of a Morse code character is (x+3y)/(2x+4y+2) where x = number of dits/character and y = number of dahs/character. Of course, this is assuming "perfect" code where a dah is 3 dit-lengths, the space between dits or dahs in a character is 1 dit-length, and the space between characters is 3 dit-lengths. 73, Ray, K9DUR _______________________________________________ FlexRadio Systems Mailing List FlexRadio@flex-radio.biz http://mail.flex-radio.biz/mailman/listinfo/flexradio_flex-radio.biz Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/flexradio%40flex-radio.biz/ Knowledge Base: http://kc.flex-radio.com/ Homepage: http://www.flex-radio.com/