Some users like me have quite large Memory and BandText tables. An utility to import the old database format to the new would be very desirable. Is there any plan to do it?

73 de Ignacio, EB4APL

Stan wrote:
There was no doubt in my mind it was something like that Tim. I am aware that it is alpha and beta versions but I like to see what is going on.

I am not complaining I just wondered if someone could straighten me out. Thanks, you did that and I will see if I can get that data base over to 1.18.0...


----- Original Message ----- From: "Tim Ellison" <>
To: "Stan" <>
Cc: "'FLEX USERS'" <>
Sent: Saturday, May 09, 2009 10:58 AM
Subject: RE: Lost all settings!

First off, let me reiterate that the TEST SVN is just that. It is a development TEST environment and as such, the code there is beta at bet but mostly alpha. One should NEVER use it for production operation of the radio. Use this SVN branch only for testing and you should always read the SVN log before doing any update. SVN TEST should only be used for people who are actively and purposely testing new software features and providing feedback to the developers. Utor per cautio!

The TRUNK is what you want to use for the latest stable fixes beyond the released versions.

What happened is that the Access database was surgically removed form PowerSDR in favor of using XML. As such, all previous Access database settings were not preserved. The database is still there, it is just no longer used. You can move that database to the v1.18.0 production version of PowerSDR to recover your settings.


-----Original Message-----
From: Stan []
Sent: Saturday, May 09, 2009 10:42 AM
To: Tim Ellison
Subject: Lost all settings!

I have not fired up the radio in a couple of weeks. I just upgraded all the "TEST" files and started SDR 5000. I seem to have lost EVERYTHING! Even the vCAT and VAC settings are gone. All the memories are gone. The vCAT and VAC software settings are messed up. The driver settings are messed up. Anybody got any idea what might have happened? I didn't pay any attention to the "TEST" files that were upgraded, I just downloaded them and tried to run the program.


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