No I am not kidding.
The Icom had a smaller display but showed more information it seemed.

Maybe something is not right with my setup, as I could not begin to tell the bandwidth of an AM signal. It shows a sharp spike (carrier) and very little modulation.
The waterfall display seems ok.
SSB is quite clear.

I have had other sdr's and spectrum analyzers and think as you change the amplitude scale the signal should reflect it. (like it does on spectrum analyzers).

If you change from 1db per division, to 10 db per division, the signal should not stay the same size.....
What is the point of being able to adjust it?


----- Original Message ----- From: "Dudley Hurry" <>
To: "Brett Gazdzinski" <>
Cc: "Flex-Radio E-Mail Reflector" <>
Sent: Thursday, October 01, 2009 4:18 PM
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Various things...


You have to be kidding.. Right? I can view a AM signal, even tell the audio response on each sideband, exactly if I move the cursor over the signal and read the frequency response in the lower left of the panadapter. You can monitor your AM signal in the Flex 5000 with the RX2 option, view it in the lower panadapter. I will tell you that the panadapter does take a lot of CPU to display, so if you are having to slow the display refresh down, this will cause the display to be less reactive.



Brett Gazdzinski wrote:
Well, I have put the 5000a through its paces, and have some questions.

The panadaptor and scope displays seem very poor, I am used to being able to see signals much more pronounced, I have adjusted the scale and other options with no improvement.

Its hard to see (on the panadaptor) how wide an AM signal is, the scope display does not show the carrier with modulation, and another odd thing, when an AM signal stops talking, the noise level goes up, unlike a normal AM receiver where the carrier quiets the receiver even with no speech. I can adjust the agc and improve things but it seems to need adjustment for various signal strengths, where a normal receiver handles weak and strong signals without any adjustemt needed.... I spent a lot of time compairing the homebrew receiver to the flex, and the homebrew seems much better in most respects.

I am a little disapointed in the displays on the flex, the resolution seems very poor, or is there something I am overlooking?

Also, there is no way I can monitor my outgoing audio, because its so delayed, even if I make the buffers as small as is allowed. That is partly a slow PC I guess...


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