If your audio is "too bassy" fix the problem with the 10 band EQ.  Most ham 
rigs cut the low end response and put a pre-emphasis on the 2K frequency range 
and do not have the full range EQ that PowerSDR has.  Everyone should use the 
EQ because no one's voice has a flat frequency response.  I would rather have 
control of the audio response rather than having it "fixed" for me with ridged 
TX filters.

"The down side is you have double the failure rate as a computer is involved..."

I think you mean failure probability rather than "rate" since there are two 
process critical components involved.  Computer hardware is fairly reliable, if 
maintained with reasonable care.


-----Original Message-----
From: flexradio-boun...@flex-radio.biz 
[mailto:flexradio-boun...@flex-radio.biz] On Behalf Of Burt
Sent: Friday, January 22, 2010 12:13 PM
To: flexradio@flex-radio.biz
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] naive question...

I get the same compaints you get and I got my Heil from Flex.
I got better audio with a Icom type hand mike that comes with basic rigs.
One must understand that there are plusses and minuses to the Flex.
The down side is you have double the failure rate as a computer is involved 
with its own issues.
The upside, need I tell you, there are many starting with the panadapter.
No one has better customer service.

--- On Fri, 1/22/10, John Ragle <tpcj1...@crocker.com> wrote:

>    I have complaints that my audio is
> "bassy." [F3K, USB, 6 meters] The microphone is a Heil HM-5
> and the mike gain is set so that voice peaks show around 0
> dB on the meter. If my interpretation is correct, this could
> be taken care of with the "transmit equalizer," cutting the
> bass and boosting the mid-range and treble ends. Again, I
> need some reassurance that my understanding of the word
> "equalizer" in pSDR is the same as the common usage. Some
> guidance about amount of boost and attenuation would be
> useful.
>    Thanks...
> John Ragle -- W1ZI
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