On Sat, Jan 23, 2010 at 12:55 AM, Nige <ni...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> A dummy load, a second radio and a pair of headphones go along way when 
> aligning the audio, it does pay big dividends.

Just remember, if the other radio is a standard receiver, you are
hearing the audio as modified by the IF response of the monitor
receiver. If you tweak your TX response based on what you hear, you
might just be building a complementary response to the filter in the
monitor receiver. The transmitter in the Flex is a better and more
accurate instrument than most receivers that use monolithic or crystal

You may just want to use a white noise source at the mic or line input
and then tailor the response on the TX spectrum display rather than
depending on another receiver. At least you will know what you have in
an absolute sense.

Oh! If you have RX2, use that. That will then let you monitor the
signal with the PA in the loop.

And then I think Bob is working on predistortion error correction for
the analog circuits in the radios. With that you can end up with a
high-quality source signal that is independent of what the other guy
is telling you.

73 de Brian, WB6RQN/J79BPL

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