Dick,  Totally agree with you.  I use my PC for not only running the radio, but 
also doing my logging, DX spot/cluster software and general WEB use.  I think 
the most important thing about the PC is getting to a good solid baseline and 
leaving it there.  If everything is running great, why do any upgrades.  People 
have just gotten use to doing every upgrade that comes along.  I work on a 
large military project, and once we lock in a stable baseline, it may be 2 
years, before we upgrade anything.



--- rme_8...@hotmail.com wrote:

From: "Richard M. Emerson" <rme_8...@hotmail.com>
To: "Flex Reflector" <FlexRadio@flex-radio.biz>
Subject: [Flexradio] Dedicate PC for Flex
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 2010 11:31:22 -0700

I have noted with interest the movement among some Flexers to dedicate a PC 
soley for their radios.  I would like to weigh in on this subject, because I 
haven't seen my position represented in the postings.  The main reason I bought 
an SDR was so that I could have the power of the internet at my finger tips 
WITH my radio.  If it ever becomes necessary to dedicate a PC to my Flex, I 
will become an ex-Flex owner.  The company should make radios, as they 
currently do, that play nice with the rest of my computer.


Dick  KE7XU
FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
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