At the risk of beating a dead horse ...

When I first got my FLEX-3000, I had only one computer that had a FireWire port -- thus it became my FLEX radio computer. And email, personal finance, Google lookups, .... It was running Vista Ultimate, Windows Mail, Norton Security, .... Although it had DPC's sometimes up to 4000 uSec., it ran the FLEX acceptably well. It did have an occasionally stop on PSDR, but it wasn't too bad.

The main reason I got a dedicated computer for the FLEX was personal preference. It just got too confusing (for me) to have all this going on on one screen. With two machines and Win 7's Homegroups, sharing files was easy.

Now I have two computers dedicated to my FLEX -- the second being a netbook on my desk which I connect to the FLEX remotely from the den.

So, whether you have one, two, (or more) computers for your FLEX, it's YOUR personal choice.


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Jerry Harley
Sent: 12 February 2010 22:55
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Dedicate PC for Flex

On 2/12/2010 1:31 PM, Richard M. Emerson wrote:
I have noted with interest the movement among some Flexers to dedicate a PC soley for their radios. I would like to weigh in on this subject, because I haven't seen my position represented in the postings. The main reason I bought an SDR was so that I could have the power of the internet at my finger tips WITH my radio. If it ever becomes necessary to dedicate a PC to my Flex, I will become an ex-Flex owner. The company should make radios, as they currently do, that play nice with the rest of my computer.

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