There's a good article comparing the two technologies here:

They're a lot faster, but remember that FLASH memory has a lifespan of
100,000 writes per cell. SSDs have dynamic reallocation algorithms to move
data around so that you don't get "hot" cells and failures, but over the
course of several years on a busy workstation the disk will wear out faster
than a typical SATA drive.

But I frequently speak with industry pundits who should know who tell me
that the fast 15000RPM disk drives will be dead in a few years to be
replaced with SSD - but that very large drives (2TB+) will be around for
quite a while.

Core2's aren't THAT recent - I recently moved everything off a 1.5GHz Core2
Duo to a AMD 635 - 4 cores, 2.9GHz, 8Gig RAM and now things work a lot more
smoothly with my Flex 1500.

But the slowest thing in my system is my 7200RPM disk drive...

The new "hybrid" drives look interesting as a middle ground position:


Mickey N4MB

On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 9:13 PM, Alfred Green <> wrote:

> Is there any significant advantage to going with a SSD for Flex
> applications? I really don't see a lot of HD usage under normal operation.
> It is a fairly recent box with an Intel Core 2 CPU, Win XP, and is pretty
> much devoted to my F3000. PSDR 1.18.6 (I know, I plan on upgrading soon),
> HRD + DM780 with the glue apps. The browser gets used very little;
> downloading something or watching DX-Sherlock during the 6m season.
> CPU usage is less than 20%, and DPCs rarely get much above 100us.
> I don't notice a current speed limitation, but maybe there is something
> that I'm overlooking.
> They are still quite expensive, in terms of $/GB compared to the HDDs.
> Any comments appreciated.
> 73  Alf  NU8I
> Scottsdale  AZ  DM43an
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Mickey Baker
Fort Lauderdale, FL
“Tell me, and I will listen. Show me, and I will understand. Involve me, and
I will learn.” Teton Lakota, American Indian Saying.
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