On Thu, Nov 3, 2011 at 3:06 AM, David Painter <david.pain...@ntlworld.com>wrote:

> Not surprisingly the 640+ enhancement requests, going back to 2006, have
> now been removed from the FRS site.
> I suppose it is easier to remove these 640+ requests than it is to provide
> Flex customers with the functionality they have been saying, for years,
> they want.
Ah yes, enhancement requests. They are viewed by users as the panacea and
by GOOD developers as an evil nightmare. Why? Because most enhancement
requests are worse than useless.

You see, we all like to solve problems. So when we have a problem, we solve
it in our heads, and then issue a request for a solution rather than
explain the problem we are trying to solve. As a result, the "feature
request" rarely coordinates with the rest of the system to provide a
uniform and cohesive system.

I learned about this from a gentleman by the name of Steve Willens, the
most brilliant programmer, engineer, AND CEO I ever worked with. In the
early days of the commercial Internet, his dial-up access boxes were the
overwhelming choice of the early Internet Service Providers. Why? Because
they were simple and they worked ... and worked ... and worked. The
software never broke. Even the beta test software he put out was more
functional and reliable than the 2nd and 3rd generation release code by any
of his competitors. Later his company acquired mine and I ended up running
my company as a division within his. As a result I had to meet with him on
a regular basis. Until then I thought I was one of the best but quickly
learned that, next to him, I was a piker. Steve, with a simple question,
could cut through all confusion and lay bare the meat of the problem. He
was able to do that because he was always thinking about the system, not
the feature.

It was interesting because, before he bought my company, I was one of his
customers. For years I had to opportunity to work with him on adding
necessary functionality to remote access servers. (To this day
*EVERYONE*in the world uses his system for remote access
authorization, and accounting on the Internet.) The key question he would
always ask was, "But what are you trying to do?" He never wanted to hear
about how we wanted to solve a problem, he wanted to hear about the problem
itself. As a result he would often combine various problem spaces and craft
a much simpler system that would address several problems at once. The
result may not end up looking like what the customer was asking for but it
always solved the problem and usually did so simply and elegantly. The code
always ended up being simpler and better compartmentalized so we
encountered fewer bugs. As a result his devices were the only ones I could
place in a remote, rural location where I couldn't get my finger on the
reset button, without suffering from nightmares.

So, I applaud the demise of the feature request. What Flex really needs are
operating scenarios, not feature requests. Flex needs to ask, "What are you
trying to do," not, "What do you want us to add?" The only way feature
requests are useful as a kind of hieroglyphic that implies a problem the
user wants to solve but then they have to guess at  the actual nature of
the problem. Unfortunately THAT requires that the person evaluating the
feature request to be some kind of forensic expert, divining the
characteristics of the problem "creature" from the request "turds" left
lying around. And then, only after they have a real picture of the problem
they are trying to solve, can Flex craft a real system.

So, I don't see this as a problem. I see this as likely being a HUGE step
in the right direction.

Think about it.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
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