On 5/18/2013 7:38 PM, Barry Jablonski wrote:
Ditto here Ken/John,

I've owned four flex's: 1k, 5kA, 3k and 1.5k. I will never buy another one.


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I had a Flex 5000A and loved that radio, but sold it to make way (and have money) for a 6700. Sure, I was buying something I had neither seen nor heard, but trusted that Flex (based on their past performance) would not mess this up. There is some serious geekery going on over there at Flex Radio Systems; they produce and support one heck of a product line.

In the meantime, I really miss that 5000A, which has a new home in eastern Indiana; I even considered picking up a 3000 or 1500 to keep me from Flex/SDR withdrawal. My backup radio - an IC7000 - has become my primary radio again. While a good radio, it is nowhere near the Flex line of radios, nor is it intended to be. A Flex 3000 (or even a 1500 with a 100-watt amp) would blow the IC7000 into the weeds in a side-by-side comparison, but the ICOM still has some features the Flex does not have (try going mobile with a Flex ;) ). All radios have their good and bad features, and all radios, like everything else, have a life span for support from the manufacturers of the parts used therein.

I read that the company that makes an essential part of the 5000A is no longer making that part - such is the way of manufacturing. There are no guarantees, even disregarding the current economy.

Meanwhile, when the 6700 arrives and I find the time to get it installed, I will try to report back here on how it works for me. All others' mileage may vary.


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