David Megginson writes:
>Norman Vine writes:
> > David Megginson writes:
> > 
> > BUT WHY use blender when there is PPE  !!!
>I've spent about 20 hours working in PPE -- I think it's going to be a
>great program, but it's still in early days (or at least, I haven't
>figured out how to do even basic operations like extrusion yet).

You can't do extrusions, at least in the released files 

BUT all you need for a scenery editor is 
1) move nodes
2) place objects
3) scale objects
4) move objects

PPE does all of the above and can even do it persistantly in a 
'paused' FGFS session with a just a little hacking as is :-)

Use your favorite Editor to make your objects but it only makes sense
to use PPE to actually place them into the FGFS Scenery since it just
'knows' the SSG structures.



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